Dynamic Middle Grades Maths
[size=200]Try this while you wait... https://ggbm.at/EpztQZ6y[/size]
This GeoGebra book contains a small selection of nearly 200 applets written for an open-source middle-school curriculum, authored by Illustrative Mathematics and published by Open Up Resources under a CC-BY license, July, 2017. [br][br]The applets in this book were chosen to share with the participants of #ggbconf2017 because they illustrate the variety of student experiences that can be created using the power of GeoGebra and the collaboration of innovative thinkers. Thanks to the GeoGebra team, especially Stephen Jull and Mike Borcherds, for their unwavering support throughout the project. And thanks to the digital team at IM for bringing new ideas to life. [br][br]More information at https://www.illustrativemathematics.org/curriculum[br]
Scaling the Mona Lisa
[size=150]In real life, the Mona Lisa measures [math]2\frac{1}{2}[/math] feet by [math]1\frac{3}{4}[/math] feet. A company that makes office supplies wants to print a scaled copy of the Mona Lisa on the cover of a notebook that measures 11 inches by 9 inches.[list=1][*]What size should they use for the scaled copy of the Mona Lisa on the notebook cover?[/*][*]What is the scale factor from the real painting to its copy on the notebook cover?[/*][*]Discuss your thinking with your partner. Did you use the same scale factor? If not, is one more reasonable than the other?[code][br][/code][/*][/list][/size]
Dividing Fractions
Hanger Blocks Example
[br]If a triangle weighs 1 gram, how much does a square weigh?
Guess My Rule
Spread Out the Cats
Trundle Wheel Exploration
In the previous lesson, you made trundle wheels so that you can measure walking distances. Today, you’ll try them out and see how well they work.[br][br]If you do not have a trundle wheel, you can use an applet to simulate measuring. Your teacher will tell you which path you will measure. Measure the distance with a trundle wheel three times. Decide how to report the distance to the class. Be prepared to explain the reasons for your choice. [br][br]Record the diameter and number of rotations for each trial. Calculate the length of the path using each set of values.[br][br]1. Compare your results with the results of two other groups.[br]2. Express the differences between the measurements of the three groups in terms of percentages.[br]3. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the different measurement methods.[br][br]To use the applet:[br]• Choose a diameter for the wheel, and enter a number 1 - 5 for the path you will measure.[br]• Watch carefully to keep track of the number of rotations that the wheel makes before it stops.[br]• Check your count by clicking on the box, if you choose.[br]• Repeat twice with two different diameters for the same path, and compare your three results.[br][br]