#1 Building Parallelograms

The quadrilateral shown here has 4 vertices. [br]Each vertex has 2 coordinates ([i]x[/i], [i]y[/i]). [br][br][b]Your task:[/b] Reposition (move) points [i]A[/i], [i]B[/i], [i]C[/i], and [i]D[/i] so that [br][list][*]Coordinates take on integer values 0 - 9 [/*][*]There are [i][b]no repeated coordinates[/b][/i] [/*][*]The quadrilateral formed is a [i][b]parallelogram [/b][/i][/*][/list][br][b]Note: [/b]Repeated coordinates, if any, are displayed to the right.
Attempt #1) Create a parallelogram below. Be sure the vertices have no repeated coordinates!
Explain how you know the quadrilateral you just formed is a parallelogram.
Attempt #2) Create another parallelogram different from the one you created above. Be sure the vertices have no repeated coordinates!
Explain whether it was easier to find the first parallelogram or your second parallelogram.

Information: #1 Building Parallelograms