Graf polinoma tretje stopnje [code]f(x) = a x³ + b x² + c x + d[/code] katerega koeficiente lahko spreminjamo z drsniki. Poleg tega so prikazane ničle in ekstremi polinoma.
[table][tr][td]1.[/td][td][code]f(x)[/code][/td][td]Vnesi [code]f(x) = a*x³ + b*x² + c*x + d[/code] v vnosno polje v prikazu [i] Algebr[/i] in vnos potrdi z [i]Enter[/i].[/td][/tr][tr][td][/td][td][/td][td][u]Namigt[/u]: GeoGebra bo avtomatsko ponudila ustvarjanje drsnikov za koeficiente [i]a[/i], [i]b[/i], c, in [i]d[/i].[/td][/tr][tr][td]2.[/td][td][icon][/icon][/td][td]Skrij drsnike v [i]Grafičnem prikazu[/i] s klikom krogca na levi strani vnosa v algebrskem oknu.[/td][/tr][tr][td]3.[/td][td][icon]/images/ggb/toolbar/mode_move.png[/icon][/td][td]Use the sliders in the [i]Algebra View[/i] in order to change the values of the parameters to [code]a = 0.2[/code], [code]b = -1.2[/code], [code]c = 0.6[/code] and [code]d = 2[/code].[/td][/tr][tr][td]4.[/td][td][code]Root[f][/code][br][/td][td]Enter [code]R = Root[f] [/code]in order to display the roots of the polynomial and automatically name them [i]R[sub]1[/sub][/i], [i]R[sub]2[/sub][/i], and [i]R[sub]3[/sub][/i].[/td][/tr][tr][td]5.[/td][td][code]Extremum[f][/code][br][/td][td]Enter [code]E = Extremum[f] [/code]in order to display the local extrema of the polynomial.[/td][/tr][tr][td]6.[/td][td][icon]/images/ggb/toolbar/mode_tangent.png[/icon][/td][td]Use tool [i]Tangent[/i] in order to create the tangents to the polynomial through the extrema [i]E[sub]1[/sub][/i] and [i]E[sub]2[/sub][/i]. [/td][/tr][tr][td][/td][td][/td][td][u]Hint[/u]: Open the Toolbox of special lines and select the tool [i]Tangent[/i]. Successively select point [i]E[sub]1[/sub][/i] and the polynomial in order to create the tangent. Repeat for point [i]E[sub]2[/sub][/i].[/td][/tr][tr][td]6.[/td][td][icon]/images/ggb/toolbar/mode_move.png[/icon][/td][td]Systematically change the values of the sliders in order to explore how the parameters affect the polynomial.[/td][/tr][/table]