Exterior angles of polygons

What is the sum of all the exterior([b]RED[/b]) angles?
What is the sum of all the exterior angles?
What is the sum of all the exterior angles?
If you look back at your answers, they all added up to 360[math]^\circ[/math][br]Therefore the [b]Sum of the exterior angles add up to 360[math]^\circ[/math][br][/b][br]For regular polygons you can find the value of the exterior angle by:[br][math]\frac{360}{n}[/math] where [b]n [/b]is the number of sides.
Irregular polygon
What kind of polygon is this?
What is the sum of all the exterior angles?
What do you notice about the green and red angles on the straight line?
[b]Use your new knowledge of interior and exterior angles to complete this activity:[/b][br]https://www.transum.org/software/Online_Exercise/PolygonAngles/Default.asp[br][br][b]For those that want to extend themselves: [/b][br]https://www.transum.org/software/Online_Exercise/PolygonAngles/Mixture.asp

Information: Exterior angles of polygons