DIY Euler line

[size=150][b][size=200]The opportunity to create your very own Euler line has presented itself! [/size][/b][/size]
[size=150][br][br]If you are unsure where to start, start with a triangle. [br][br]If you are unsure where to go from there, or get stuck along the way, the previous activities are there to help! Feel free to refer to those for any assistance. [/size]
Want to add some other triangle centers? Use the links below to learn more about other points on the Euler line.
[b]Center of Nine Point Circle: [/b][color=#3d85c6][/color][br][br][b]Longchamps Point:[/b] [br][color=#3d85c6][/color][br][br][b]Schiffler Point:[/b] [br][color=#3d85c6][/color][br]  note: this one requires knowing how to find the incenter! Use this link for more info on the incenter: [color=#3d85c6][br][/color][br][b]Exeter point: [/b][br][color=#3d85c6][/color][br][br][b]Gossard Prospector: [/b][br][color=#3d85c6][/color]

Information: DIY Euler line