Копия Torque: A Diving Board and Weight of Diver

Exploring straight line torque. [br]One end of a diving board is bolted to the cement with bolts that can withstand 300kg ≈ 3000N of upward force before they will give out. A movable fulcrum is placed under the board and Penny is standing on the end of the board. If we ignore the weight of the board and any bending, what is the maximum weight Penny can be before the bolts will give?
a. As the fulcrum is moved towards the bolts, what happens to the maximum weight of Penny?[br]b. As the fulcrum is moved towards Penny, what happens to the maximum weight of Penny?[br]YouTube Videos:[br]Introduction to Torque [url]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=blGzTDEFd3s [/url][br]Diving Board Problem A [url]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KO_HKrDY3ko [/url][br]Diving Board Problem B [url]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OMdR5nT9XWo [/url]

Información: Копия Torque: A Diving Board and Weight of Diver