
[br][br][justify] [/justify]        [justify] Mathematics, howbeit geometry is seem as a difficult subject to learn by some students, however they must take it, because mathematics is one of the compulsory subjects that students must accomplish in their study. We think that mathematics teachers should be more innovative in their teaching methods. Teachers should consider the use of ICT in their teaching, because use of ICT in geometry can help students’ visualization and help teachers explain geometric shapes and solids more effectively. [br][br]     There are many kinds of mathematics software, such as GeoGebra, Mathematica, etc. Mathematics software nowadays is easy enough to use and most are really user friendly, so that users do not need special computer skills to use them. Some mathematics software is free which means that users can use the software without needing a license. One of the free mathematics software programs is Geogebra, a kind of software called dynamic geometry software (DGS). [br][/justify][br]        [justify] Dynamic geometry software is very helpful for teaching and learning geometry because there are many geometric shapes and tools that can be used to visualize and construct geometrical figure, solids and its properties in a simple way. By learning geometry through dynamic geometry software, the researchers hope that students will be more interested in geometry learning and more engaged in learning activities. This study do not mean to suggest that the traditional method of teaching geometry is not appropriate for students. We did a study to teach geometry through the dynamic geometry software Geogebra and wanted to compare the classroom performance of the students with the lessons they were designed to with the classroom performance of the class in the traditional method.[br][br][br]  [/justify][justify] [/justify]

Research Questions

[justify] Is there a difference in student performance of mathematics for high school students who have taught about cuboid in the classroom through traditional methods and dynamic geometry software?[/justify]

Research design

[justify]  [br]  [br]  There were experimental classes and control classes in this study. The experimental and control classes have different treatments. The control class uses learning materials developed by researchers and taught by researchers. The control classes taught by co-teachers and there were using their own formal teaching methods. The researchers developed learning material in which the students in the experimental class could learn the geometric subject of the cuboid and did this in a double section of each meeting. In other words, the control group students did activities without using dynamic geometry content, and the experimental group students learned geometry using Geogebra content. The collaborative teacher developed her own lesson activities with mathematics books. [/justify]

a.    Results of the reliability analysis 

[br][justify] Post-performance test contains seven questions that have a slightly different with the questions in the pre- performance test. Performance test used to measure student performance after using Geogebra contents. This test includes control groups and experimental groups. The test was reliable at r =0.609-0.863 (p <0.05) and is described in detail in the following table.[/justify][justify][br][/justify]


[br][br][b]1.[/b]      Based on the effect size analysis, the difference between the mean scores of the experimental and control students in Bayankhongor and Ulaanbaatar cities shows that the experimental group performed[br]better than the control group. [br][br][b]2.[/b]      Values ​​of d = 0.56 and d = 0.62 show that using GeoGebra content has a positive effect on the student's mathematics performance.[br][br][br]

Learning material

[b][i]Multimedia Principle[/i][/b][i]: [/i]People learn better from words and pictures than from words alone[url=file:///C:/Users/user/Dropbox/ynjika/Mine/2017.07.18/2017.07.18%20Zassan.docx#_ftn1][1][/url]. When words and pictures are both presented, learners have an opportunity to construct verbal and visual mental models and to build connections between them.[br][br][b][i]Empirical Rationale:[/i] [/b]In eleven out of eleven tests, learners who received text and illustrations or narration and animation (multiple-representation group) performed better on transfer tests than did[br]learners who received text alone or narration alone (single-representation[br]group). The median effect size is [math]d=1.39[/math][br] [br] [br][url=file:///C:/Users/user/Dropbox/ynjika/Mine/2017.07.18/2017.07.18%20Zassan.docx#_ftnref1][1][/url]Richard E. Mayer (2009). Multimedia learning second edition.[i]Multimedia principle, [/i]223-241 [br][br][br][br][br]


[br][br][b]1.[/b]  Геогебра хураангуй гарын авлага[br][b]2.[/b]  [url=][color=#0000ff][/color][/url][br][b]3.[/b]  [url=][color=#0000ff][/color][/url] [br][b]4.[/b] George A. Morgan., Nancy L. Leech., Gene W. Gloeckner, Karen., C. Barrett. (2004). SPSS for introductory   statistics Second edition[br][b]5.[/b]  Richard E. Mayer. (2009). Multimedia learning second edition. [br][b]6.[/b]  Антони Ж.Нитко., Сюзан М.Брүүкхарт.,  Суралцагсдын эзэмшсэн боловсролыг үнэлэх арга зүй, 47-123[br][b]7.[/b]  Нээлттэй боловсрол Эрдэм шинжилгээний хурлын эмхэтгэл, 98-99[br][b]8.[/b]  Боловсрол судлал 2016 Дугаар 19 (454),  Сэтгүүл, УБ[br][b]9.[/b]  Э.Чойсүрэн ., (МУБИС, МБУС, 2016) , Геогебра програм ашиглан сургалтын хэрэглэгдэхүүн боловсруулж туршсан үр дүн [br][b]10[/b]. Г.Пэрэнлэй , Л.Нэргүй, Б.Энхболд., (2015), Геометрийн хичээлд цахим хэрэглэгдэхүүн бэлтгэх, “Геогебра” програмыг ашиглах боломж  “XII ангийн Пирамид сэдвийн жишээн дээр”, Архангай аймаг[br][b]11[/b]. Л.Янжинлхам (2015)., Математикийн хичээлд цахим хэрэглэгдэхүүн  ашиглах нэгэн хувилбар, УБ [br][b]12.[/b] Ц.Навчаа, Л.Янжинлхам, С.Мягмарлхам., (2016) Геогебра программаар математикийн хичээлийн[br]хэрэглэгдэхүүн бэлтгэхдээ  ГеогебраТубе ашиглах нь, УБ[br][br][br]
