Graphing Linear Inequalities with 2 Variables (Quiz)

[b]Directions: [/b][br][br]1) Note the inequality displayed in the upper right-hand corner.[br]2) Move the [b][color=#1e84cc]2 BLUE POINTS[/color][/b] and [color=#1e84cc][b]adjust the sliders accordingly[/b][/color] to construct the graph of the given inequality. [br]3) Select the "Check Solution Set" checkbox to see if you're correct. If you are. you'll see a big [b][color=#ff00ff][i]"CORRECT!!!" [/i][/color][/b]sign appear. If not, the applet will also indicate this to you. [br][br]4) Repeat steps (1) - (3) as many times as you need in order to master this concept!

Information: Graphing Linear Inequalities with 2 Variables (Quiz)