Quiz yourself about the Logifaces Methodology

Did you read enough to do some quizzing? Or are you bored and need a challenge?
We collected some questions for you - can you solve all our riddles?[br]How long does it take you?
Play the game - drag and rotate the stones on the left, see the result to the right
6 questions - guess the block
Does this block have a horizontal top?[br]no[br][br]Does this block have the steepest slope?[br]no[br][br]Does this block have only trapezoid sides?[br]no[br][br]Does this block have a 1 unit high rectangular face?[br]no[br][br]Does this block have a 2 unit high rectangular face?[br]yes[br][br]Does this block have a 1 unit high vertex?[br]yes
Which block has the lowest volume?
Which block has the biggest volume?
Which block can be paired with 132?
Which block can be paired with 123?
What do you get if you mirror 132?
What do you get if you mirror 123?
Which block has the sharpest vertex?
Which blocks have the steepest slopes?
Which block can you pair with 112?
Pairing means putting a block beside it
Which blocks can you pair with 133?
Pairing means putting a block beside it
You are an official expert
You answered all questions - well done![br]Maybe you want to check out [url=https://www.geogebra.org/m/rfdf4nrx]more about the blocks?[/url][br]Or maybe you are a teacher that [url=https://www.geogebra.org/m/vmqtudfd]wants to use these questions for themselves?[/url]
Creating the 16pcs triangle

Information: Quiz yourself about the Logifaces Methodology