Activity #22__Construct a 30 - 60 - 90 Triangle

Activity Goal
Construct the 30[math]^\circ[/math]- 60[math]^\circ[/math]- 90[math]^\circ[/math] triangle (shown below) and then find the missing side lengths.
DIRECTIONS (if you need help)
1. Use the [b]Segment with Given Size [/b]tool to create the line segment AB with a length of 9.[br]2. Construct [math]\angle[/math]A = 30 [math]^\circ[/math] [size=85](notice that the point B' appears; we will need to delete this point later)[/size].[br]3. Construct a Ray AB'.[br]4. Construct [math]\angle[/math]B = 90 [math]^\circ[/math] [size=85](notice that the point A' appears, will delete this point also later)[/size] .[br]5. Construct Ray BA'.[br]6. Use the [b]Points [/b]tool to choose the [b]intersect[/b] tool and create the point C [size=85](where the two rays intersect)[/size]. [br][br]7. Click [b]Steps Menu, [img][/img][/b] , hide the rays and the points A' and B' [size=85](unclick each)[/size] . [br]8. Now get out of the Steps Menu and back into the [b]Tools Menu [/b].[br]9. Use the[b] Polygon[/b] tool to create the triangle ABC -- as shown above.[br]10. Use the [b]Move [/b]tool, to find the lengths of side a and side b.

Informazioni: Activity #22__Construct a 30 - 60 - 90 Triangle