Converting Fractions to Decimals Using Long Division

Convert fractions to decimals using long division in this activity.
Putting It All Together
[i]Answer these open ended questions on your own or with others to form deeper math connections. [/i]
How does the number of boxes clicked inside the long division sign relate to the place values of the converted decimal?
Think about how a number with one digit to the right of the decimal (like 0.3) converts back to a fraction. How many zeros would appear in the denominator of that fraction?
Think about how a number with two digits to the right of the decimal (like 0.31) converts back into a fraction. How many zeros would appear in the denominator of that fraction?
Think about how a number with three digits to the right of the decimal (like 0.317) converts back into a fraction. How many zeros would appear in the denominator of that fraction?

Information: Converting Fractions to Decimals Using Long Division