Google Classroom Integration

What is the Google Classroom integration?
You can now assign [i]GeoGebra [/i]lessons to Google Classroom. With this new feature, you can combine your Google Classroom work with the real-time updates from [i]GeoGebra [/i]lessons.
Create GeoGebra lessons for Google Classroom
[list][*]Select the activity you want to share with your class[/*][*]Click the [i]Google Classroom[/i] button on the top of the page[br][b]Note[/b]: On a small screen, you might need to open the menu in the top right corner.[/*][*]Choose a lesson title and assign it to as many classes as you’d like.[/*][*]Choose “Assign” and press DONE if you want to post the assignment to your class immediately. [/*][/list][br]The [i]GeoGebra [/i]lesson can now be found in the students' Classwork page and in the teachers Classwork page.[br][list][*]Choose “Save as draft” if you want to post the assignment at a later time. [/*][/list][br]The assignment will be saved in the teachers Classwork page in your drafts section to get assigned at a later time.[br][br][b]Note:[/b] Students should sign in to [i]GeoGebra [/i]with their Google Classroom account so their work will automatically save!

Information: Google Classroom Integration