The list of [i]Done Tasks[/i] includes all [i]Tasks[/i] that have been [img][/img] completely solved (e.g. answers to all Questions have been saved) and have been [img width=17,height=17][/img] turned in by the [i]Member[/i] or which have been reviewed and set to [img][/img] [i]Complete[/i] by the [i]Owner[/i].[br][u]Note[/u]: [i]Owner [/i]feedback is private and cannot be accessed by other [i]Members [/i]of the Group.
[i]Members[/i] may revise their answers for multiple choice questions at any time unless the [i]Owner[/i] has reviewed the [i]Task [/i]and set its status to [img][/img] [i]Complete[/i]. Simply use [img][/img] [i]Reopen[/i] in order to start over.[br][br][u]Note[/u]: [i]Members[/i] can still view [i]Completed Tasks [/i]and modify constructions in applets and edit answers for open questions.