Understanding the Slope

OBJECTIVE: To understand the concept of the slope
[br]Observe that when you graph straight lines, the lines slant in different directions. The measure of this slant is called the [color=#0000ff]slope, [/color]usually expressed as a ratio of two numbers: [color=#0000ff]change in y/change in x[/color]. A common mnemonic to remember this relationship is [color=#0000ff]rise/run[/color].[br][br]This applet dynamically illustrates the concept of the slope.[br][br]Use the slider to learn about the slope.[br][br]Grab one of the points and rotate it to complete a full circle. Observe the changes in the value of the fraction as well as the sign.
[b][color=#0000ff]QUESTION 1[/color][/b]: How does the value of the slope change in relation to the slant?
[color=#0000ff][b]QUESTION 2[/b][/color]: How does the sign of the slope change in relation to the slant?[br]

Information: Understanding the Slope