Building Functions with Inverses

Interact with this app for a few minutes. LARGE POINTS are moveable. Then answer the questions that follow.
What do you notice? What do you wonder?
What does it mean for a relation to be a [b]function[/b]? Describe. [i]Make sure to use the terms "input" and "output" in your description.[/i]
In the app above, reposition the [b]3 LARGE POINTS[/b] of the [b]function[/b] so that the [b][color=#0000ff]graph of the inverse relation[/color] [/b]also becomes a function.
Explain what you did to the [b]original function[/b] to cause the [b][color=#0000ff]graph of the inverse relation[/color][/b] to be a function.
Use this app to help you answer the questions that follow.
In the app above, reposition the [b]3 LARGE POINTS[/b] of the [b]function[/b] so that the [b][color=#0000ff]graph of the inverse relation[/color] [i]is not[/i] [/b]a function.
Explain what you did to the [b]original function[/b] to cause the [b][color=#0000ff]graph of the inverse relation[/color][/b] to [b][i]not be[/i][/b] a function.
Click on the [b][color=#0000ff]TEST INVERSE[/color][/b] checkbox. Drag the point that appears. How does this help illustrate the graph of the inverse relation is not a function? Explain. ([i]In your explanation, avoid using the phrase "vertical line test". Rather, describe using the terms "input" and "output".[/i])
Quick silent demo

Information: Building Functions with Inverses