Now we want to add the code that will give the conditions to show the final feedback or message.[br]Let's say our message is [b]Well done![br][/b][br]1) Using GGB tools insert the text you want to appear once your puzzle is done. In this case we type Well done! ( you can change color, size, etc...)[br][br]2) Make sure that you drag the "away piece" to its final position. [br] OR[br] Redefine the Point from the "away piece" with the final coordinate. [br][br]3) In settings (over the text) select tab [u]Advanced[/u] ---> [u]Conditions to show the object[/u] then type:[br][br] P_1 ≟ (0, 2) ∧ P_2 ≟ (1, 2) ∧ P_3 ≟ (2, 2) ∧ P_4 ≟ (0, 1) ∧ P_5 ≟ (1, 1) ∧ P_6 ≟ (2, 1) ∧ P_7 ≟ (0, 0) ∧ P_8 ≟ (1, 0)[br] Apply condition to show the "away piece". Same condition used for the text. (above) [br][br][color=#ff0000]OBS.: Make sure that you press ENTER after each input.[/color]
[color=#ff0000][b]You can check if your button is working by dragging away any piece (in this case the message should disappear). [br][/b][/color][br]In the image below, you can see an alternative way of coding the conditional.