AQR Section 17: Mean but Sensitive

The mean is a measure of center and [color=#0a971e]balance point[/color] for a distribution. Below is a distribution of 11 data points. Move the [color=#1551b5]blue point[/color] to see how the mean responds to changing this single value within the distribution.[br][br]Use the [b]New Data Set[/b] button, to try this action for several distributions.
Is the mean a [b]resistant measure[/b] of center for a distribution?[br]Is the mean sensitive to a substantial change in the movable [color=#1551b5]blue value[/color]?

Exterior Angles of Polygons

[b]Click the "▶" button. Observe the angles turned by the car at the corners.[br]Drag the green points. Check the "Show Measurement" box to see the measurements of the angles.[br][/b]中文版:[url=][/url]
[b]1. What is a + b + c + d + e, the total angles turned by the car?[br]2. a, b, c, d, e are called the exterior angles of the convex pentagon.[br]  In general, what is the sum of all exterior angles of a convex polygon?[br]3. How would you modify the result if the pentagon is NOT convex?[br][/b][br]Anthony Or. GeoGebra Institute of Hong Kong.
