Opening Activity- Rotating a point using the slider 0 to 360 degrees

Answer the questions below by using a slider to rotate point A from 0 to 360 degrees about the origin.
First, move/drag point A to the coordinate point (2,4). Then use the slider to rotate point A a total of 90 degrees counterclockwise (left) about the origin (point B). What is the new coordinate point (A')?
Next, click on the slider to rotate the original point A a total of 180 degrees counterclockwise (left). Now, what is the new coordinate point (A')?
Now click on the slider to rotate the point A a total of 270 degrees counterclockwise (left) about the origin. What is the new coordinate point (A')?
Can you write 3 rules for rotating points about the origin 90 degrees, 180 degrees and 270 degrees?
What will be the new coordinate point (A') if you rotate point A a total of 360 degrees counterclockwise (left)?

Information: Opening Activity- Rotating a point using the slider 0 to 360 degrees