GeoGebra Applets

Get started with GeoGebra applets
[i]GeoGebra [/i]applets are dynamic elements that can be created using the [i]GeoGebra Apps[/i]. If you haven't used any of the apps or haven't created an applet yet, we suggest you have a look at one or more of the following tutorials:[br][list][*][url=]Learn GeoGebra Calculator Suite[/url][br][/*][*][url=]Learn GeoGebra Geometry[/url][br][/*][*][url=]Learn GeoGebra Graphing Calculator[/url][/*][*][url=]Learn GeoGebra CAS Calculator[/url][br][/*][*][url=]Learn GeoGebra 3D Calculator[/url][br][/*][*][url=]Learn GeoGebra Classic[/url][/*][/list]
Insert a GeoGebra applet
In the [i]GeoGebra Activity [/i]editor, press the [img][/img][i] ADD ELEMENT [/i]button and select [img][/img] [i]GeoGebra[/i] from the list of available [i]Activity [/i]elements.
Select or Create the Applet
[list=1][*]Select or create the [i]GeoGebra [/i]applet you would like to insert into your [i]Activity [/i]by choosing one of the following options: [list][*][i]Applet Search[/i]: Use the search field to search for already existing, public [i]GeoGebra [/i]applets from other users or select one of your own [i]GeoGebra [/i]applets from the provided list.[br][b]Note:[/b] You can also enter the resource's ID if you search for an applet in a specific [i]Activity[/i].[/*][*][i]Upload Applet[/i]: Choose a [i]GeoGebra [/i]file (.ggb) from your computer, which you would like to upload to your [i]GeoGebra [/i]account and use for your [i]Dynamic Activity[/i].[br][b]Note:[/b] By uploading a resource you agree to publish your work under the [url=]Creative Commons: Attribution Share Alike[/url] license.[br][/*][*][i]Create Applet[/i]: Create a new [i]GeoGebra a[/i]pplet using the appearing [i]GeoGebra Online App[/i]. [/*][/list][/*][*]Press [i]Done[/i] to save your [i]GeoGebra [/i]applet and insert it as an [i]Activity [/i]element in your [i]Dynamic Activity[/i].[br][b]Note:[/b] You will be able to edit an inserted [i]GeoGebra [/i]applet later on.[/*][/list]
Complete the GeoGebra applet
[list=1][*]Enter a heading for the [i]GeoGebra [/i]applet (optional).[/*][*]Change the [i]Advanced Settings[/i] for your [i]GeoGebra [/i]applet (e.g. [i]Show Toolbar[/i]).[/*][*]Press [i]Done[/i] to close the [i]GeoGebra [/i]applet. Then, press [i]Save[/i] in the upper right corner of the [i]Activity [/i]editor to save your [i]Dynamic Activity[/i].[/*][/list]
Advanced Settings
Change some of the [i]Advanced Settings[/i] of the [i]GeoGebra [/i]applet to customize it even further (e.g. show the [i]Menu [/i]or [i]Style Bar[/i], allow users to reset the construction, choose a [i]GeoGebra App[/i]). The [i]Advanced Settings[/i] can be found below the [i]GeoGebra [/i]applet.[br]
[list][*][i]Width [/i]and [i]Height[/i][b][br][/b]Enter the exact size of your [i]GeoGebra [/i]applet in pixel or drag the lower right corner of the [i]GeoGebra [/i]applet to change its size.[br][br][/*][*][i]Change scale[/i][b][br][/b]Change the scale of your [i]GeoGebra [/i]applet (default scale is 1).[br][br][/*][*][i]Preserve aspect ratio[/i][b][br][/b]Preserve the aspect ratio of the [i]GeoGebra [/i]applet when changing its size.[br][br][/*][*][i]Enable Right Click and Keyboard Editing[/i][b][br][/b]Allow users to right-click (MacOS: Ctrl-click) or edit the applet using their keyboard.[br][br][/*][*][i]Enable Dragging of Labels[/i][b][br][/b]Allow users to drag the labels of objects to a new position.[br][br][/*][*][i]Show Icon to Reset Construction[/i][b][br][/b]Provide the option to reset the [i]GeoGebra [/i]applet to its default state.[br][br][/*][*][i]Enable Pan & Zoom[/i][b][br][/b]Allow users to move the[i] Graphics View[/i] by dragging the background of the [i]Graphics View[/i] or to zoom in / zoom out using the mouse wheel.[br][br][/*][*][i]Show Menu[/i][b][br][/b]Display the [img][/img] [i]Menu[/i] button at the top corner of the [i]GeoGebra [/i]applet to allow users access to the full [i]GeoGebra [/i]menu.[br][br][/*][*][i]Show Toolbar[/i][b][br][/b]Display the [i]Toolbar[/i] of the [i]GeoGebra [/i]applet.[br][br][/*][*][i]Show Input Bar[/i][b][br][/b]Display the [i]Input Bar[/i] at the bottom of the[i] Graphics View[/i] or the [i]Algebra Input[/i] [i]Bar [/i]in the [i]Algebra View[/i] (if visible).[br][br][/*][*][i]Show Style Bar[/i][b][br][/b]Display the [i]Style Bar[/i] button allowing users to change the properties of the created objects.[br][br][/*][*][i]GeoGebra App[/i][b][br][/b]Choose a [i]GeoGebra App [/i]([i]Graphing Calculator[/i], [i]Geometry[/i], [i]3D Calculator[/i], [i]GeoGebra Classic [/i]or [i]CAS Calculator[/i]) for your [i]GeoGebra [/i]applet. [br][br][/*][/list]Press [i]Done[/i] to finish editing the [i]Advanced Settings[/i]. Then, press [i]Save[/i] in the upper right corner of the [i]Activity [/i]editor to save your changes.
How to edit a GeoGebra applet
If you move your pointer over an inserted [i]GeoGebra [/i]applet, the editing options appear. Just select one of them by pressing the corresponding button.[br][list][*][img][/img] [i]Edit[/i]: Edit the heading of the [i]GeoGebra [/i]applet or make changes to the [i]GeoGebra [/i]applet itself.[list][*][i]Edit Applet:[/i] Open and edit your construction using the [i]GeoGebra Online App[/i].[b][br][/b][b]Hint:[/b] You can drag the lower right corner of the [i]GeoGebra Online[/i] [i]App [/i]to increase[br]its size for editing. Please note that this will not change the size of the [i]GeoGebra [/i]applet on your [i]Dynamic Activity[/i].[/*][/list][list][*][i]Replace Applet:[/i] Replace your [i]GeoGebra [/i]applet by searching for another applet or creating a new one.[/*][*][img][/img] Drag and drop a ggb file into the dashed area to replace the current applet with the file.[/*][/list][/*][/list][list][*][img][/img][b] [/b][i]Copy[/i]: Copy the [i]GeoGebra [/i]applet if you want to reuse it on this [i]Dynamic Activity[/i].[/*][*][img][/img] [i]Delete[/i]: Delete the [i]GeoGebra [/i]applet from your [i]Dynamic Activity[/i].[/*][/list][b]Note:[/b] Selecting an inserted [i]GeoGebra [/i]applet will also allow you to edit the element.[br][br]Press [i]Done[/i] to finish editing your [i]GeoGebra [/i]applet. Then, press [i]Save[/i] in the upper right corner of the [i]Activity [/i]editor to save your changes.

Information: GeoGebra Applets