I love French fries, so I conducted an experiment where I visited three different restaurants many times and recorded how many French fries were in a large order. Here’s what I found [br][br]Restaurant A:80,72,77,80,90,85,93,79,84,73,87,67,80,86,92,88,86,88,66,77[br][br]Restaurant B:83,83,83,84,79,78,80,81,83,80,79,81,84,82,85,85,79,79,83[br][br]Restaurant C:75,75,77,85,85,80,80,80,80,81,82,84,84,84,85,77,77,86,78,78,78,79,79,79,79,79[br][br]1. In the spreadsheet below, enter the data above in columns A, B, and C. Construct dot plots for each restaurant. You may want to save screenshots of each dot plot.
2. Use your dot plots (or the "show statistics" button) to find [br]· the smallest value, the [b]minimum[br][/b]· the largest value, the [b]maximum[br][/b]· the middle value, the [b]median[/b].[br]· the middle of the upper half (between median and maximum), which is called the [b]upper quartile[/b], [b]quartile 3, or Q3.[/b][br]· the middle of the bottom half (between the median and the minimum). This is called the [b]lower quartile, quartile 1, or Q1.[br][/b]· the difference between Q3 and Q1. This is the [b]interquartile range, or IQR.[br][br][/b]Enter these values in the spreadsheet below.
In your first spreadsheet, select all three columns and choose [icon]http://www.geogebra.org/images/ggb/toolbar/mode_multivarstats.png[/icon] multiple variable analysis to view stacked box plots. [b] Fill in the table describing where to find each of the measures mentioned in task 2. You may want to save a screenshot of your box plots.[/b]