
Task 1
I love French fries, so I conducted an experiment where I visited three different restaurants many times and recorded how many French fries were in a large order. Here’s what I found [br][br]Restaurant A:80,72,77,80,90,85,93,79,84,73,87,67,80,86,92,88,86,88,66,77[br][br]Restaurant B:83,83,83,84,79,78,80,81,83,80,79,81,84,82,85,85,79,79,83[br][br]Restaurant C:75,75,77,85,85,80,80,80,80,81,82,84,84,84,85,77,77,86,78,78,78,79,79,79,79,79[br][br]1. In the spreadsheet below, enter the data above in columns A, B, and C. Construct dot plots for each restaurant. You may want to save screenshots of each dot plot.
Task 2
2. Use your dot plots (or the "show statistics" button) to find [br]·     the smallest value, the [b]minimum[br][/b]·     the largest value, the [b]maximum[br][/b]·     the middle value, the [b]median[/b].[br]·     the middle of the upper half (between median and maximum), which is called the [b]upper quartile[/b], [b]quartile 3, or Q3.[/b][br]·     the middle of the bottom half (between the median and the minimum). This is called the [b]lower quartile, quartile 1, or Q1.[br][/b]·     the difference between Q3 and Q1. This is the [b]interquartile range, or IQR.[br][br][/b]Enter these values in the spreadsheet below.
Task 3
In your first spreadsheet, select all three columns and choose [icon][/icon] multiple variable analysis to view stacked box plots. [b] Fill in the table describing where to find each of the measures mentioned in task 2. You may want to save a screenshot of your box plots.[/b]

Information: IM1.8.3