Function Table Builder

Multiplication table for polynomials Make a table that has sketches of constant, linear, quadratic and cubic along the top row and down the left side. Fill in the cells with sketches of the product function corresponding to that row and column. Note that some cells may require more than one entry. Division table for rational functions Make a table that has sketches of constant, linear, quadratic and cubic along the top row and down the left side. Fill in the cells with sketches of the quotient function corresponding to that row and column. Note that some cells may require more than one entry.

Functions as Objects - transformation on functions

Challenge: [br]choose a linear function for f(x) and the same linear function for g(x); then dilate and then translate f(x) and translate and then dilate g(x).[br]Are the two resulting functions the same? If yes, why? If not, under what circumstances could they be the same?[br][br]Challenge:[br] Choose two different linear functions for f(x) and g(x). Can you use these transformations to transform one into the other? Do you believe you can do the same for any linear f(x) and linear g(x)?[br] Choose two different quadratic functions for f(x) and g(x). Can you use these transformations to transform one into the other? Do you believe you can do the same for any quadratic f(x) and quadratic g(x)?[br] Can you transform any quadratic function into a linear function? Why or why not? Prove it.[br][br]Challenge:[br] What additional transformation(s), if any, would you need to be able to transform any cubic function into any other cubic function?

Composing with logarithmic & exponential functions

Real & Complex Roots of Quadratic Functions

This environment allows you to explore the following questions:[br][br][br]Given two real numbers, how many quadratic functions are there [br]with those numbers as roots?[br][br][br]How are these functions related to one another?[br][br][br]Given two complex conjugate numbers, how many quadratic functions[br]have these numbers as roots?[br][br][br]How are these functions related to one another?[br][br][br]Challenge – given two quadratic functions with the same roots, can you transform one into the other?

Rational F'ns & Asymptotic Behavior

You can use this environment to explore the behavior of rational functions formed by dividing a constant, linear or quadratic function by a linear or quadratic function. Define the numerator function by dragging the red dots. Define the denominator function by dragging the blue dots. Fit the appropriate asymptote(s) to the rational function you have determined. Alternatively, choose a set of asymptotes and try to find a rational function with those asymptotes.
