Expanding Brackets Spiders 5

Random monomials and/or binomials multiplied and/or factored.[br][br]Slider = 0: Show all Expressions[br]Slider = 1: Find Common Factor[br]Slider = 2: Find Missing Factor, when here [b]factor[/b] slider allows Lesson to Factor Polynomials, Green Boxes.[br]Slider = 3: Find Product of Factors
Polynomial times Polynomial
When set for factoring green boxes, the blue box may not have one common if the factor is not a prime expression. Example: 2x + 4 is not a prime expression, it factors as 2(x + 2).[br][br]TES [url=https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/expanding-brackets-spiders-11387596 ]Expanding Brackets Spiders[/url] [br][br]This will create a set of values for the TES Expanding Brackets Spider PowerPoint very quickly. A future update may allow a more interactive applet.
Sample of Three Lessons

Informação: Expanding Brackets Spiders 5