Cut-The-Knot-Action (5)!

Creation of this applet was inspired by a [url=]tweet[/url] from [url=]Alexander Bogomolny[/url]. [br][br]In the applet below, a [b][color=#6aa84f]regular pentagon[/color][/b] and a [color=#bf9000][b]regular decagon[/b][/color] share a common side. [br][br][color=#ff00ff][b]What is the measure of the pink angle? [/b][/color] [br][br][color=#0000ff][b]How can you formally prove what this applet informally illustrates? [/b][/color]
Quick (Silent) Demo

Medians & Equal Areas!

In the app below, the LARGE VERTICES are moveable. The smaller points shown on the triangle's sides are midpoints. Interact with the app below and observe what happens. [br][br]Be sure to move the triangle's large vertices around as you explore!
How would you describe the first three segments drawn? What are they? How do you know this?
What does this animation suggest about all six non-overlapping triangles? Explain how this animation helps suggest your assertion.

Finsler-Hadwiger Action!!!

[color=#000000]In the applet below, simply slide the slider very slowly and enjoy the phenomena you witness. [br][br]After doing so, feel free to adjust the [b][color=#38761D]green [/color][/b]and [b][color=#BF9000]yellow[/color][/b] sliders to change the sizes of the [b][color=#38761D]green [/color][/b]and [b][color=#BF9000]yellow[/color][/b] squares, respectively. You can also change the locations of any of the white points. [br][br]Interact with this applet for a few minutes. Then answer the questions that follow. [/color][br][br]
Write the phenomena you've witnessed several times as a conditional ("if-then") statement.
Can you use coordinate geometry to formally prove what this applet informally illustrates? [br](For starters, why not let the common vertex be (0,0) and go from there?)

Bizzare Trisection?

[color=#000000]The following applet illustrates an alternate means to [b][color=#0000ff]trisect a segment [/color][/b]without using parallel lines. [br][br][b][color=#0000ff]KEY QUESTION(S): [/color][/b][br]Why does this method work? [br]What previously learned theorem(s) justify your conclusions?[br]Explain. [/color]
Quick (Silent) Demo

Butterfly Theorem Action!

[color=#cc0000][b]Note: [/b][/color][br]Creation of this applet was inspired by a [url=]tweet [/url]from [url=]Alexander Bogomolny[/url] (at [url=]Cut-the-Knot[/url].) [br][br]The applet below dynamically illustrates a theorem known as the [b]Butterfly Theorem[/b]. [br][br]Interact with this applet for a few minutes. As you do, feel free to change the location(s) of any 1 (or more) of the [color=#674ea7][b]BIG POINT(S) that are already there[/b][/color][color=#274e13][b] (or will soon appear)[/b][/color]! [br][br]How can you formally prove what this applet informally illustrates?

GoGeometry Action 111!

Creation of this applet was inspired by a [url=]tweet[/url] from [url=]Antonio Gutierrez[/url] (GoGeometry). [br][br]Note: This applet works best if the quadrilateral is kept convex. [br][br][b][color=#ff00ff]How can we formally prove the phenomena dynamically illustrated here? [/color][/b]
Quick (Silent) Demo

Special Conic LR Action

A conic section is shown below. [br][br][b]This conic's vertex is black.[/b][br][b][color=#999999]Its directrix is gray.[/color][/b][br][b][color=#1e84cc]Its focus is blue. [br][/color][color=#ff7700]The orange point is a point that lies on this conic section itself. [br][/color][/b][br]Interact with this applet for a couple of minutes.[br]Then answer the questions that follow. [br][br]
What type of conic is illustrated above? Explain how/why you know this to be true.
A focal chord of this particular conic is defined as a segment that passes through this conic's [b][color=#1e84cc]focus [/color][/b]AND whose endpoints lie on the conic itself. How would you describe the focal chord seen with respect to this conic's axis of symmetry? (Hint: How would you describe the intersection?)
A focal chord of this conic with the type of intersection described in (2) above is said to be a LATUS RECTUM of this conic. How does the length of the latus rectum compare with the [b]distance from this conic's vertex to [color=#1e84cc]focus?[/color][/b]
Formally prove your response to (3) true. [br]For simplicity, feel free to place the [b]vertex at (0, 0)[/b] and the [b][color=#1e84cc]focus at (0, p). [/color][/b]
Quick (Silent) Demo

Ellipse: Reflective Property

The applet below contains an ellipse with both its foci shown. [b]Feel free to place point [i]P, [/i][color=#ff7700]the orange point[/color], and both foci of the ellipse anywhere you'd like at any time![/b][br][br]How would you describe the phenomena you see?
[i]Do a little exploratory research on the following topics:[br]Specifically, how are ellipses used in each application? [/i][br][br][b]1) Whispering Galleries[br]2) Elliptic Lithotripsy (Destroying Kidney Stones) [br][/b][br][color=#0000ff][b]How is the principle illustrated in the applet above "reflected" (no pun intended) in each of these applications? [/b][/color]

Geometry Resources

[list][*][b][url=]Congruence (Volume 1)[/url][/b][/*][*][b][url=]Congruence (Volume 2)[/url][/b][/*][*][b][url=]Similarity, Right Triangles, Trigonometry[/url][/b][/*][*][b][url=]Circles[/url][/b][/*][*][b][url=]Coordinate and Analytic Geometry[/url][/b][/*][*][b][url=]Area, Surface Area, Volume, 3D, Cross Section[/url] [/b][/*][*][b][url=]Proof Challenges[/url]  [/b][/*][/list]
What phenomenon is dynamically being illustrated here? (Vertices are moveable.)
What phenomenon is dynamically being illustrated here? (Vertices are moveable.)

Functions Resources

[list][*][b][url=]Interpreting Functions[/url][/b][/*][*][b][url=]Building Functions[/url][/b][/*][*][b][url=]Linear, Quadratic, and Exponential Functions[/url][/b][/*][*][b][url=]Trigonometric Functions[/url][/b][/*][/list]
Half-life function: Quick Exploration. (Large point & slider moveable.)
What does it mean for a function to be odd? (Points moveable.)
