Probability and Geometry

[math]ABCD[/math] is a LED panel that contains a smaller one, [math]EFGH[/math].[br]You turn on one of the LED lights, randomly.[br][br]What is the probability that the light you turned on is inside panel [math]EFGH[/math]?[br][br]Explore probabilities in the app below![br][br]Consider how theoretical and experimental probabilities are defined, then push the [i]light bulb button[/i] to turn on one of the LED lights.[br][br]Turn on more lights and compare the values of theoretical probability and the experimental probability.[br][br]Use the reset button on top right to restart the experiment.[br][br]
What do you observe?[br]Do you notice any significant change in the experimental probability when a lot of LED lights are turned on?
You can drag all the vertices of the panels and create your own.[br]Can you create a panel for which the theoretical probability to turn on the light in the panel [math]EFGH[/math] is 1?
Can you create a panel for which the theoretical probability to turn on the light in the panel [math]EFGH[/math] is 0.5?[br]Is there only one possible configuration that generates this probability?

Information: Probability and Geometry