How Close to Perpendicular Can You Get? Open Middle Challenge

[size=150]Creation of this resource was inspired by [url=]this Open Middle problem[/url] submitted by Shelli Foust and [url=]Robert Kaplinsky[/url].[/size]
[size=150]Using the digits 1-9 [b]at most one time each[/b] fill in the coefficients of the three linear equations to the right so that any two lines are parallel and the third line is a transversal that passes through the other two.[/size] [br][br][b][color=#0000ff][size=150]Note: There are several possibilities![/size][/color][/b]
[size=150]Repeat the task above, yet this time try to get the transversal (not parallel to the other 2 lines) as "close to perpendicular" to the other two parallel lines as possible! [br][color=#0000ff][b][br]How close to 90 degrees can you get the transversal to intersect the other 2 parallel lines? [/b][/color][/size]

Information: How Close to Perpendicular Can You Get? Open Middle Challenge