Exploring Similarity

A simple similarity guide for students.
Partners: ___________________ and _____________________ [br]Period: ____[br]Steps for Geogebra Exploration Activity Today[br][br]1) Go to computechmath7.weebly.com[br]2) Click on Unit 4: Scale[br]3) Download the Student File[br]4) Measure the angles of both triangles and record them in the table below. To measure the angle, follow these steps:[br]a. Select the Angle tool [br]b. Click these points in the following order to measure the angles: [br]BAC, ACB, CBA then EDF, DFE, FED[br]Triangle ABC Triangle DEF[br]<(angle) BAC: <EDF: [br]<ACB: <DFE: [br]<CBA: <FED: [br]5) Move the slider (point n) to 3.0[br]6) Look at the lengths of the sides of the triangles on the screen. What are their lengths:[br]a:______ d’ ___________ b:_______ e:________ c:______ c’:_______[br][br]7) In one sentence write about what do you notice about the relationship between the sides of triangle ABC and their corresponding sides in triangle DEF? [br][br]________________________________________________________________________________________________________[br]________________________________________________________________________________________________________[br][br]8) Write the x and y coordinates of point b:_______ and point e: _______ [br]Now, move point B on triangle ABC to (0,0). Where is point E now? _______[br]9) Right click on point n and select ‘animate’. Observe the value of the angles and side lengths. Focus on the value of n, Write a sentence about the relationship between the value of n and the other side lengths.[br]________________________________________________________________________________________________________[br]________________________________________________________________________________________________________[br]Part 2: Based on these explorations and Monday’s lesson, on a separate piece of paper, write a response to answer the following questions:[br]1.) Title the paper PART 2: SIMILAR TRIANGLES and include you name, date, and period.[br]2.) What do you need to know about the triangles to know if they are similar? [br]3.) Will this rule of similarity work with non-triangles? How do you know? [br]4.) How does this project help you understand problems involving similar triangles?[br]5.) If you have time, try the Pentagon exploration activity also on the website!

Information: Exploring Similarity