stacking plaster cells

The spatial realisation of the rhombus in two layers can be constructes as one element. Such plastee elements are stacked to construct the muqarnas.
In his publication [url=]An introduction of Muqarnas Domes Geometry[/url] Mamoun Sakkal shows on a rawing how you can vary on the rhombus with curved or straight sides, devided or not.[br]on the first row you recognise the [i]biped below - almond above[/i] and [i]almond below - biped below[/i] as variations of the same type of element.
On the website of the [url=]School of Islamic Geometric Design[/url] you can find pictures and some video's on the construction an stacking of the cells.
foto door Abdel Ghani over de stapeling van plaasteren elementen

Información: stacking plaster cells