Discovering Rules in Adding Integers
Use this applet (adding integers using number line) to do the following exploration below.
Move the sliders to add the given integers.
Exploration 1: For numbers 1 & 2, perform the addition of Integers using the number line
1) 3+(-3)=[br][br][br]
2) -5+5=
Choose the best way to describe the integers we are adding in nos. 1 &2.
Observing the sums in nos. 1 & 2, what do you think is the sum of -539+539?
Try to explore more the sum opposite numbers: (a) 1+(-1) (b) -4+4 (c) -2+2
Tell whether the statement below is true or false.[br]The sum of any 2 opposite numbers is always 0.
There are two possible operations to perform in with the absolute values of the integers being added.
1) Add or[br]2) Subtract
Exploration 2: Adding different-signed integers
a) -5+3=
b) 5+(-3)=
How do you describe the direction of the integers we are adding in items a& b?
Exploration 2: Adding Integers with same signs.
Describe the sign of the sum for nos. 1 & 2.
Exploration 3: Adding integers with the same sign.
a) 5+4[br]b) -3+(-2)[br]c) -1+(-5)
What do you think happen when adding integers of the same sign.
08.13 High Places, Low Places

1. Which point in the ocean is the lowest in the world? What is its elevation?
2. Which mountain is the highest in the world? What is its elevation?
3. If you plot the elevations of the mountains and trenches on a vertical number line, what would 0 represent? What would points above 0 represent? What about points below 0?
4. Which is farther from sea level: the deepest point in the ocean, or the top of the highest mountain in the world? Explain.
Absolute Value and Distance
Look at the number line below. Drag the slider to change the value of a. The distance of a from 0 on the number line will be shown, as well as the absolute value of a. Answer the following questions. [br]1. As a gets larger in the positive direction, what happens to the distance from 0? To the absolute value?[br]2. As a gets more negative, what happens to the distance from 0? To the absolute value?[br]3. Is there a value of a that creates a negative absolute value? [br]4. How are absolute value and distance from 0 related? [br]5. Give an example of two different numbers that have the same absolute value. Explain why they have the same absolute value.