[b][color=#980000][size=150]Triangles are everywhere! Any structure requiring a strong and rigid construction depends on triangles to achieve that goal. [/size][/color][/b]
[b][color=#980000][size=150][size=200]Choose one triangle project from the three choices below[/size][/size][/color][/b]
[b][size=150][color=#274e13]Using a camera, go out into the world and find real-life examples of the different types of triangles. Along with each triangle, explain the properties of that triangle and how you determined that it was that specific triangle. [br]You must find all of the following triangles:[br][/color][/size][/b][br][color=#0000ff]acute triangle obtuse triangle right triangle[br]scalene triangle isosceles triangle equilateral triangle[/color]
[list][*][b][/b][/*][/list][size=150][list][color=#ff0000][*][b]Includes and correctly identified all 6 types of triangles (2 pts each type) 12 points[/b][/*][*][b]Explains how to determine the type of triangle (3 pts each type) 18 points[/b][/*][/color][/list][/size]
[size=150][b][color=#134f5c]Given the scenario of trying to determine the type of triangle using side lengths and angle measures, create a step-by-step how-to guide. Pretend you are trying to explain this to someone who has not math background whatsoever. [br]You can do this as a booklet, a brochure, a poster, or any other method you choose. [br][br][/color][/b][/size][size=150][color=#0000ff]Your guide [b]must[/b] include [b]all[/b] of the following terms:[br][br]acute angle base equilateral isosceles legs[br]obtuse right scalene side equal measure[/color][/size]
[list][*][b][color=#ff0000][/color][/b][/*][size=150][color=#ff0000][*][b]Includes all terms appropriately (1 pt each) 12 points[/b][/*][*][b]Explains how to determine the type of triangle (3 pts each type) 18 points[/b][/*][/color][/size][/list]
[b][color=#0c343d][size=150]Include a paragraph explaining why engineers would choose Isosceles or right triangles when building truss bridges and would probably not use scalene triangles. Include a photo of your bridge supporting a heavy object. [br][/size][/color][/b][br][color=#0000ff]Include the following words:[br]right triangle isosceles triangle scalene triangle[br]force weight distribution[/color]
[list][*][b][color=#ff0000][size=150]Includes all terms appropriately (2 points each) 12 points[/size][/color][/b][/*][*][b][color=#ff0000][size=150]Bridge able to support a heavy object (12 points) 12 points[/size][/color][/b][/*][*][b][color=#ff0000][size=150]Neatness [/size][/color][/b] [b][color=#ff0000][size=150] 6 points [/size][/color][/b] [/*][/list]