Maximize the Area Puzzle

See Lab Instructions below the GeoGebra window.
[i][b]MINIMIZE - MAXIMIZE THE AREA[/b][/i][br](Adaptation of Worksheet by Anthony Or. Education Bureau, Hong Kong)[br][br]Use the MOVE tool to drag the matches and form a polygon. You can rotate the matches by moving the red end.[br][br]Challenge 1[br]Minimize[br]What is the smallest area in square units you could construct?[br][br]_________________________ Square units[br][br][br]Challenge 2[br]Maximize[br]What is the largest area in square units you could construct?[br][br]_________________________ Square units[br][br][br]Follow-up[br]Check with your classmates. Did anyone find a smaller or a larger polygon?

Informace: Maximize the Area Puzzle