Where should the new grocery store go?
Initial thoughts
This graph shows the location of two neighborhoods: Neighborhood A which is a middle class area where each household owns at least 1 working vehicle and Neighborhood B which is a lower income neighborhood that relies heavily on the public transportation options available.[br][br]A new grocery store is about to be built at one of the corners on the graph.[br][br]Enter the coordinates for where you think it should go. Then explain why you chose those coordinates.
Add a point to represent where you think the new grocery store should go
What if Midpoint Doesn't Work?
Add to your INB:
Back to our dilemma again. [br][br]What are some reasons you might not be able to place the grocery store at the [b]midpoint[/b]?[br][br]What are some other choices that are fair to both Neighborhood A and Neighborhood B assuming you want equal distances? [br][br]In case you need some help, here are some sentence frames you could use:[br][br]The grocery store might not be able to be placed at the midpoint because_____________.[br][br]Some other points that would be fair to both Neighborhood A and Neighborhood B include ____________ because____________.
What if the needs of the communities mean the equitable solution is not the same distance?
The city decided that the new grocery store should be twice as close to Neighborhood A as Neighborhood B.
What are some factors that might have influenced that decision? (type your answers in the box below).[br][br]In case you need some help, here are some sentence frames you could use:[br][br]The city might have decided to place the grocery store closer to Neighborhood A because ________________.[br][br]To be twice as close to Neighborhood A, the grocery store could be placed at Point ___________. I found that point by_______________.
Neighborhood Boundaries
What do the points actually represent? (I think the dots/points represent...)