[size=150][size=200]Alternative way of generating and removing buttons (combination of Javascript and Geogebra script)[br]Deleting any selected disc one by one, or removal of all discs at once are now possible.[br]Flipping any selected disc to the "opposite" state, ie, 1 to -1, -1 to 1, x to -x or -x to x is now possible[br][/size][/size][size=200][size=150][br][/size]Created zero pair box and allow deletion of discs dragged into this box[br][br]Remaining task : To detect valid zero pairs and delete[/size]
[size=150]Above made possible thanks to forum help by [url=https://help.geogebra.org/profile/6977#/topics]rami[/url][br]titled[url=https://help.geogebra.org/topic/button-command-ggb-script-or-js-script-for-action-on-selected-objects] "Button Command (ggb script or JS script) for action on selected objects)"[/url][/size]