Yamuk Şarkısı

Yamuk Şarkısı

Trapezoid: Area (I)

[color=#000000]In the [/color][color=#ff00ff][b]trapezoid[/b][/color][color=#000000] above, suppose base_1 = 6 cm, base_2 = 3 cm, and height = 5 cm.[br]What would the area of the [/color][color=#ff00ff][b]trapezoid[/b][/color][color=#000000] be? [/color]
Without looking up the formula on another tab in your internet browser, describe below, in your own words, how you could find the [b][color=#ff00ff]area of ANY TRAPEZOID[/color][/b] in terms of both its bases and its height.
Quick (Silent) Demo

Copy of Trapezoid transformation to rectangle

Use the rotation slider to transform the trapezoid by rotation into a rectangle.[br]Adjust the width of the trapezoid by dragging on the corners.[br]Adjust the height of the trapezoid by using the slider.[br][br]How does the area of the trapezoid compare to the area of the rectangle?[br][br][br]What would the formula be for the area of the trapezoid based off of your findings to the previous question?[br][br][br]What do you think the equation of the median is? [br][br][br]What other equation could be used to find the area of a trapezoid?

Trapezoid: Area (2)

[color=#000000]In the trapezoid [/color][color=#000000]above, suppose base1 = 6 cm, base2 = 3 cm, and height = 5 cm.[br]What would the area of the trapezoid[/color][color=#000000] be? [/color]
Without looking up the formula on another tab in your internet browser, describe below, in your own words, how you could find the area of ANY TRAPEZOID in terms of both its bases and its height.


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