19 Kutlug Aka mausoleum

The Kutlug Aka mausoleum (nr 19) is situated in the upper part of the Shah-i-zinda, close to the mausolea of Khodja Akhmad and Tuman Aka. Not less than three os the outer walls of the mausoleum are decorated. The earlier mausolea served as model for the next ones.[br]As in the Khodja Akhmad there's a combination of deeply carved tiles with inscriptions and smooth tiles wil floral and geometric patterns in the panels of the facade.[br]An inscription includes the date of the foundation of the edifice in 1361 with the phrase “may god illuminate the skirt of her chastity.”
In the muqarna above the entrance you can see the clear cells arranged in. But the layers don't form concentric arcs. Adapted elements create starters of stars, which is clearly visible from below.[br]In 1361 stars don't define the desing, but form an early starter for the later use of stalachtites.[br]Remarkable is the subtle use of colors. Elegant is the tuliplike capital that sustains the arc.

Information: 19 Kutlug Aka mausoleum