1-Bir olayın olma olasılığı hesaplandı.[br]2-Olasılık çeşitleri açıklandı.[br]4-İmkansız olayla ilgili soru çözümü yapıldı
transposing notes on a piano
Music theory knowledge is not required to complete this activity, but it can be very helpful. The applet below has sound.
Describe how you would get the sound of A4 knowing the note C4. (Hint: there are 2 ways)
The transpose slider changes the sound of all the keys to a different note. This distance between each of the notes is called a half-step or semitone.[br][br]What is the note that is a half-step up from B4?
What is the note that is 3 semitones down from G3?
How many half steps will take you from a black key to the nearest white key?
How many semitones will get you from the note F3 to F4?
Come up with a song and write the notes of it in order for someone else to play.