Projectile w/ air resistance

When air resistance is taken into account the height[br]of a projectile as a function of time is no longer parabolic.[br][br]In the absence of air resistance, it takes just as much[br]time to reach the highest point of the trajectory as it[br]takes to fall from that height to the ground.[br][br]If air resistance is taken into account does it take longer[br]on the way up or on the way down? Can you suggest[br]a reason why?[br][br]In this applet the height of the projectile and its vertical[br]velocity are shown as functions of time. What could their[br]trajectories in space look like?[br][br]You can run an animation by clicking on the "play"[br]button in the lower left hand corner of either window.

Information: Projectile w/ air resistance