* The x-axis is in red, the y-axis is in green, and the z-axis is in blue. This is a right-handed coordinate system.[br]* Click on the S, T, or R buttons to scale, translate, or rotate. The superscripts for R specify around which axis the rotation is done. Specify the values by using the sliders or entering the values in the text boxes. For S and T, the top box is for the x direction, the middle box is for the y direction, and the bottom box is for the z direction. Check the Lock box to scale by the same amount in both the x and y directions.[br]* The original shape can be a prism or pyramid. You can move the red, green, yellow, cyan, and black points that define the shape of the object. This can be done by entering the coordinates directly in the text boxes, or by using the mouse. Place the mouse over one of the points. If you see two perpendicular arrows, you can move the point horizontally, changing the x and y coordinates. If you see one vertical arrow, you can move the point vertically, changing the z coordinates. Click on the point before moving to toggle between the two types of directions. Hold down the mouse button to actually move the point. The Default bottom will set all values back to their default values.[br]* The Restore button sets all values back to their default values.[br]* The Reset button deletes all transformations.[br]* Check Hide Original Shape to show only the transformed image.