Inclined plane Episode II

1. The applet starts with one Time Interval, this means that the time is not divided. [br]Divide the time into two intervals and observe the motion of the ball rolling down [br]by pushing the Start button or using the slider Time. [br][br]How many intervals does the ball cover in the first time interval? And in the second?[br][br]2. Choose another number of Time Intervals and observe what happens in each case. [br]For example, if the time is divided into three intervals then how many distance [br]intervals does the ball cover in the first time interval, in the second one, and in the third one?[br][br]3. Find a relationship between the number of time intervals and the number of distance [br]intervals covered by the ball and observe whether this relationship is still maintained [br]when you change the angle of inclination of the plane.
After you have played for a while with the applet, please return to the learning materials and continue.

Information: Inclined plane Episode II