It is still not easy for Max and Sarah to imagine how the measured values are correlated. [br]Max' Mama suggests: "A picture is always helpfull."[br][br]A [b]Graph [/b]are the points and/or the [b]conneting line [/b]in the coordinate system.[br]It gives a picture of the corrleation. [br][br]Tick the box „Messpunkte“ in the [b]simulation Circle[/b]. [br]Now your measurements (diameter, circumference) from the animation in the left plane appear in the coordinate plane on the right.
That looks like a regularity, abut what do you detect? Describe![br]
Tick the box "Trendlinie" in the simulation [b]Circle [/b]connect the points.[br][br]This graph makes Sarah and Max think… What does it tell us about the correlation?
Such a graph can be described well with words. [br]Give reasons why these words are suitable to describe your graph in the simulation:[br][br]a) increase b) steady c) straight
Now bring together Sarahs sentence on the correlation between diameter and circumference in task 8 and the description of the graph in the previous task and formulate a summary statement.[br]
Well done! [br]Now you can calculate the length of the rope needed. [br]Sarah and Max have to tie it three times around the trunk (diameter: 40 cm).[br]Two branches (daimeter: 18 and 21 cm) need a double wrapping.[br]Another branch has to be circled only once (diameter 16 cm).[br]They calculate additional 40 cm of rope for each knot. [br]Write down your calculation here:
DONE with the wooden discs!!! [br]Just tidy up quickly and we can go on: Put the discs back into the box.