Scalar or vector?
Scalar or vector?[br]Click the check box that matches the correct answer.
Linear motion without acceleration
Let's explore a linear motion without acceleration.[br]Select the type of graph you want to show by clicking the related checkbox.[br]Type the speed of the car in the [b][i]speed [/i][/b]box, then press the [i]Enter[/i] key to confirm.[br]Start and stop the animation by clicking the [color=#0a971e][i]Start/Stop[/i][/color] button.[br][br]To drive the car back to its start position click the [i][color=#c51414]Restart[/color][/i] button.[br]Compare the graphs you obtain setting different speeds, each time driving the car back to the start point without deleting the traces and modifying the speed value.[br]What do you observe? How do [i]Position vs Time[/i] and [i]Velocity vs Time[/i] graph change?[br][br]To delete the graph click the [i][color=#888]Delete traces[/color][/i] button.
Brownian Motion - A Simple Dynamic Animation
Even though it seems that all the particles of a fluid are motionless, it's possible to observe that each particle moves randomly, and its motion depends (also) on the fluid temperature.[br][br]Move the slider to change the fluid temperature and observe the changes in the motion of the particles.