Figure(left): Orbital view of Venus (North normal to plane).[br]Figure(right): Territorial view of Venus by a south facing observer on the northern hemisphere.[br][br]Start and stop the animation to pause the simulation when[br](a) Venus is visible at dawn[br](b) Venus is visible at dusk[br](c) Inferior conjunction (alignment of Earth-Venus-Sun)[br](d) Superior conjuction (alignment of Earth-Sun-Venus)[br](e) Maximum elongation[br](f) Venus is in retrograde motion
Model parameters: [br](i) Earth Sun distance = 1AU; Earth orbital period = 365 days;[br](ii) Venus Sun distance = 0.72AU; Venus orbital period = 85 days;[br][br]Further improvements[br](a) The phase of Venus[br](b) Seasonal variation of the ecliptic[br](c) Non-circular orbits[br](d) Non-coplanar orbits.
Model parameters: [br](i) Earth Sun distance = 1AU; Earth orbital period = 365 days;[br](ii) Venus Sun distance = 0.72AU; Venus orbital period = 85 days;[br][br]Further improvements[br](a) The phase of Venus[br](b) Seasonal variation of the ecliptic[br](c) Non-circular orbits[br](d) Non-coplanar orbits.