2.3 Area above and below the x-axis

Applet explorations
[b]1)[/b] Your goal in this task is to predict the area enclosed between the function [math]f[/math], the x-axis and the lines at A and B. Try doing this by hand first of all. Type your answer into the box and press enter.[br][br][b]2)[/b] Show the areas for different integrals using the checkboxes. Does this change your prediction? Keep trying until you get the correct number in the answer box.[br][br][b]3)[/b] Move the sliders to change the limits. Can you come up with a general rule for this kind of problem? Type in new answers to make sure your general rule is correct.[br][br][b]4)[/b] Extra question: What happens when you move B to the left of A? Why does this happen?[br][br][b]Summarise any key points at the bottom of the page.[/b]
Applet conclusions
Note any key points from this activity. How can this applet be used to develop our understanding of calculus?[br]

Information: 2.3 Area above and below the x-axis