Graphs in real-life contexts (წრფის ფუნქცია ამოცანების ვიზუალიზაციისთვის გვ.137 #4;#5;#6)

(137 #4 )a A van travels at a constant speed of 15 m/s for 60 seconds. Show this on a graph. Put time on the horizontal axis and speed on the vertical axis. b The speed of a car increases steadily from 0 m/s to 30 m/s over 20 seconds. It travels at 30
#5 At 13 00 Shen leaves home on a cycle ride. By 15 00 he has travelled 35 km. He stops for 11 2 hours and then cycles back. He arrives back home at 18 00. a Show this journey on a graph. Put time on the horizontal axis and distance from home on the vert
6 Xavier is doing some athletics training. He runs for 5 minutes, covering one kilometre, and then he rests for five minutes. He continues in this way until he has run 4 kilometres. a Show this on a graph with time on the horizontal axis and distance on

Information: Graphs in real-life contexts (წრფის ფუნქცია ამოცანების ვიზუალიზაციისთვის გვ.137 #4;#5;#6)