What is domain coloring?
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GGBscript for Domain coloring
The following GGBscript is for implementing the method Domain coloring with HSV scheme: Enhanced phase portrait
Setp 1:
From the menu, select the tool Button.

We can type in "Caption" the word "Setup"

Step 2:
In the window of the [b]Setup[/b] button, we write the following lines:
[code]H(x, y) = (π -atan2(y,-x)) / (2π)[br][br]S(x, y) = 1 / 3 (18(π - atan2(y,-x)) / (2π) - floor(18(π - atan2(y,-x)) / (2π))) + 0.7[br][br]V(x, y) = log(1.5, sqrt(x^2 + y^2) 5) / 5 - floor(log(1.5, sqrt(x^2 + y^2) 5)) / 5 + 0.8[br][br]A = 1 + ί[br][br]n = 200[br][br]A1 = 1[br][br]Execute(Sequence("A"+i+" = A"+(i-1)+"+1", i, 2, n))[br][br]Execute(Sequence("B"+i+" = x(A) + ί * (y(A) + A"+i+"/n)", i, 1, n))[br][br]Execute(Sequence("ShowLabel(B"+i+", false)", i, 1, n))[br]Execute(Sequence("SetPointSize(B"+i+", 1)", i, 1, n))[br]Execute(Sequence("SetTrace(B"+i+", true)", i, 1, n))[br][br]Execute(Sequence("C"+i+" = (B"+i+"-1)/(B"+i+"^2+B"+i+"+1)", i, 1, n))[br]Execute(Sequence("SetVisibleInView(C"+i+", 1, false)", i, 1, n))[br][br]Execute(Sequence("D"+i+" = H(x(C"+i+"), y(C"+i+"))", i, 1, n))[br]Execute(Sequence("E"+i+" = S(x(C"+i+"), y(C"+i+"))", i, 1, n))[br]Execute(Sequence("F"+i+" = V(x(C"+i+"), y(C"+i+"))", i, 1, n))[br][br]Execute(Sequence("SetDynamicColor(B"+i+", D"+i+", 1, E"+i+" F"+i+" )", i, 1, n))[br][br][br][/code]

Step 3:
Click on OK to close window and then click on this button to create objects.
Step 4:
Open the spreadsheet and select column B to open [b]Object Properties[/b]. In the [b]Advanced[/b] tab, select HSV scheme. As shown in the following images.

Step 5:
Finally, click again the [b]Setup[/b] button to apply all changes to all points.

HSL scheme simple
Drag point A.
Domain coloring: HSL
Change the function f(z). Example: 1/z[br][br][b]Updated:[/b] The input function now allows the complex constant [b]i[/b].
Other functions to try:[br][list][*](z-i)/(z^2+i*z+i)[/*][*]exp(1/z)[/*][*]z^3-i*z[/*][*](1-cos(z))/z^2[/*][*]ln(z)[/*][/list][b]Remark:[/b] You must type the operator * for multiplication of variable and complex number [i][b]i[/b][/i]: i*z or z*i
Domain coloring HSV: Phase Portrait Modulus
Change the function f(z). Example: 1/z[br][br][b]Remark:[/b] Now you can use the complex constant [b]i[/b]. Example: z*i or i*z.
Other functions to try:[br][list][*](z-1)/(z^2+z+1)[/*][*]exp(1/z)[/*][*]z^3-1[/*][*](1-cos(z))/z^2[/*][*]ln(z)[/*][/list]
Complex functions: Domain colouring with contour lines
Drag the grey point or slider. Change the function f(z). Example: (z-i)/(z+i)
Other functions to try:[br][list][*](z-1)/(z^2+i*z+i)[/*][*]exp(1/z)[/*][*]ln(z)[/*][*]z^3-1[/*][*](1-cos(z))/z^2[/*][/list]