Triangle Maker
What triangles can you create using the red, green, and blue side lengths?[br][br]Adjust the lengths of the sides by dragging the endpoints.[br][br]Adjust the angles in the triangle by dragging the endpoints along the circles.
[b]Triangles by Side Lengths[/b][br]1. Create a scalene triangle. [br] A scalene triangle has no congruent sides.[br]2. Create an isosceles triangle.[br] An isosceles triangle has 2 congruent sides.[br]3. Create an equilateral triangle.[br] An equilateral triangle has 3 congruent sides.[br][br][b]Triangles by angle measure[/b][br]4. Create an acute triangle.[br] An acute triangle has 3 acute angles.[br]5. Create a right triangle.[br] A right triangle has 1 right angle.[br]6. Create an obtuse triangle.[br] An obtuse triangle has 1 obtuse angle.[br][br][b]Triangle Combos[/b][br]Can you create....[br]7. An acute triangle that is also scalene? isosceles? equilateral?[br]8. A right triangle that is also scalene? isosceles? equilateral?[br]9. An obtuse triangle that is also scalene? isosceles? equilateral?