Reflection in the x axis

What stays the [b]same[/b] and what [b]changes[/b] as you move the points around?[br]Are there any points that do not move under this transformation?[br]Where would the co-ordinate (x,y) map to?
[color=#0a971e]Created by N.Trubridge[/color]
What happens

Rotation of 0-360 degrees around a centre (NJT)

What stays the [b]same[/b] and what [b]changes[/b] when you move [list] [*]the slider? [*]the vertices B,C and D? [*]the centre of rotation? [/list] Are there any points that do not move under this transformation?

[color=#0a971e]Created by N.Trubridge[/color]

Translation 1 (NJT)

What stays the [b]same[/b] and what [b]changes[/b] when you move [list] [*]the vertices of the polygons? [*]the polygons? [*]the vector? [*]the ends of the vector? [/list] Do any points stay in the same place after this transformation?

[color=#0a971e]Created by N.Trubridge[/color]

Enlargement Positive integer SF (NJT)

What stays the [b]same[/b] and what [b]changes[/b] when you move[br][list][br][*]the SF slider[br][*]the centre[br][*]the vertices A,B and C?[br][/list][br]Are there any points that do not move under this transformation?
[color=#0a971e]Created by N.Trubridge[/color]
