Solving Linear Equations Graphically & Symbolically

A linear equation is always of the form [b]f(x) = g(x)[/b]. [br]For example, in the equation [b]2x - 1 = -2x + 5[/b] we can regard f(x) as 2x - 1 and g(x) as -2x +5.[br][br]Solving a linear equation means transforming the original equation in to a new equation that has the function x on one side of the equal sign and a number (which is a constant function) on the other side. [br]In this case the [u]'solution equation'[/u] is [b]x = 1.5[/b] (why is 1.5 a function?)[br][br]This applet allows you to enter a linear function [b]f(x) = mx + b[/b] by varying m and b sliders and a function [b]g(x) = Mx + B[/b] by varying M and B sliders.[br][br]You may solve your equation [size=100][size=150][i][b]graphically[/b][/i][/size][/size] by dragging the GREEN, BLUE and WHITE dots on the graph in order to produce a [u]'solution equation'[/u] of the form [b]x = {constant function}[/b].[br][br][b]CHALLENGE[/b] - Dragging the WHITE dot changes both functions, but dragging the [color=#00ff00][i][b]GREEN[/b][/i][/color] dot changes only the [color=#00ff00][i][b]GREEN[/b][/i][/color] function and dragging the [color=#1e84cc][i][b]BLUE[/b][/i][/color] dot changes only the [color=#1e84cc][i][b]BLUE[/b][/i][/color] function.[br][br][b]This means that when you drag either the [color=#00ff00][i]GREEN[/i][/color] dot or the [color=#1e84cc][i]BLUE[/i][/color] dot you are changing only one side of the equation!! Why is this legitimate? [br][br]Why are we taught that you must do the same thing to both sides of the equation?[/b][br][br]What is true about all the legitimate things you can do to a linear equation? [b][br]- What are the symbolic operations that correspond to dragging each of the dots?[/b][br][br]You may also solve your equation [size=150][i][b]symbolically[/b][/i][/size] but using sliders to change the linear and constant terms on each side of the equation. [b][br]- What are the graphical operations that correspond to each of the sliders?[br][br][/b][color=#ff0000][b]What other questions could/would you ask of your students based on this applet?[/b][/color]

UNsolving Linear Equations & Inequalities

The solution of a linear equation is a number - let's call it a. The solution of a linear inequality is a range of numbers, say all the numbers less than a, or all the numbers greater than a.[br][br]To UNsolve a linear equation or inequality, drag the GOLD dot in this panel to set the solution. The other panel will show you a linear equation or inequality that has that solution.[br][br]You can drag the WHITE dots in the right hand panel to see other equations or inequalities that have the same solution set. Each of the large WHITE dots control one function - the smaller WHITE dot controls both functions. Why is it permissible to change only one function in an equation or inequality that is a comparison of two functions? [br][br]How many solutions are there? How do you know? Can you prove it?[br]What happens to the inequality when the sign of the scale factor changes? Why?[br][br]Challenge - Make up an equation [i.e., find values for a, b, c, and d] of the form ax + b = cx + d with solution x = 7 and a, b, c, d <>0[br][br]Could any other value of x other than x = 7 satisfy your equation? Why or why not?[br][br]How many such equations can one construct [i.e., how many sets {a,b,c,d} are there]? How do you know?

UNsolve 2 variable quadratic equations & inequalities

The solution set of a quadratic equation in 2 variables, f(x,y) = 0, is a curve in the x,y plane.[br]The solution set of a quadratic inequality in 2 variables f(x,y) > 0 is EITHER all the points in the region in the x,y plane enclosed by the curve, OR all the points outside the curve.[br][br]To UNsolve a quadratic equation or inequality, use the a, b and z0 sliders in the [br]upper panel to fix the solution set. The left panel will show the solution set. The right hand panel will show you a quadratic equation or inequality that has that solution set.[br][br]You can use the A slider in the upper panel to see other quadratic [br]equations or inequalities that have the same solution set. [br][br]For a given solution set, how many equations or inequalities are there that[br] have that solution set? How do you know? Can you prove it?
