Measures of Central Tendency

Select the number of data, drag the dot to change the data (0 to 20) or click "Random Data".
Mr Downes Maths [br][url=][/url]
It will help if you take the word arithmetic to have its narrow meaning of absolute change or just adding. For multiplying we will use the word geometric.[br][br][br]A mean is an extension of the midpoint where there can be more than two numbers.

Standard Deviation Formulae

Use formulae to calculate standard deviation-secondary school level
Standard Deviation Formulae

Interaktives Galton-Brett

Hier eine erweiterte Version des Galtonbrettes[br]Man kann einerseits die Länge (=Anzahl der Dreiecke in der letzten Reihe), andererseits die Wahrscheinlichkeit, mit der die "Kugel" den rechten WEg wählt einstellen. Die Animation kann ganz einfach gestartet und pausiert werden und wenn für die Darstellung der absoluten Anzahl nicht mehr genügend Platz vorhanden ist, dann kann das ganze auch normalisiert dargestellt werden.

Operation of 3 Sets #2

Union Intersection Complement Difference Venn-Euler Diagram
Operation of 3 sets #2


Probability: Selecting Balls

Probability: Selecting Balls
Probability: Selecting Balls

Experimental Probability Spinner

Press "Spin" to make the spinner land on a random color.[br]The Spinner will calculate the experimental probability after each trial.[br]Press "Reset" to start over.
1. What do you think the probability should be for each color, before using the spinner?[br][br]2. How does the experimental probability compare to the anticipated probability?

How Many Outcomes?

Many questions on contests ask you to count certain things where you have choices. It could be options on outfits, pizzas, sandwich, or many other similar things. A video explaining how to approach such problems is available at [url][/url].
How Many Outcomes?
