Bolo Hauz mosque - mu

The construction of the [url=]Bolo Hauz moskee[/url] was started in 1712. The mosque lies just outside the city walls, in front of the Fortress. It's one of the last and finest large historical buildings in Bukhara.[br]The wooden iwan was only added in 1917 but is very remarkable.[br]The central part of wooden ceiling is ritchly decorated with a geometrical pattern and leans on capitals with colourful muqarnas, all different.
muqarna on one of the wooden columns
Compare the picture and the drawing of the muqarna.[br][list][*]The column is surrounded by a 16-pointed star.[/*][*]On top, along the border of the muqarna there's a border of eight dark green 8-pointed and eight red 4-pointed stars.[/*][/list]
drawing: Shiro Takahashi

Information: Bolo Hauz mosque - mu