Sine Function Domain Restriction Options?

Recall that in order for a relation to be a function, [b]each & every input can have one and only one output[/b]. [br][br]The [b]sine function, part of whose graph is displayed below,[/b] is a function because each input (angle) can only have one sine ratio to which it maps (see [url=]this applet[/url] by [url=]Anthony C.M. Or[/url]). [br][br]Interact with the app for a few minutes, then answer the questions that follow.
[b]Directions:[/b][br][br]Click the refresh (recycle) icon at the top of the applet. Then select the [b]Show Inverse Relation [/b]checkbox. Drag the [b]x-final slider[/b] slowly to the right and note the [b]inverse relation being graphed[/b] simultaneously as the [b]sine function is being graphed.[/b]
Why is the relation [math]y=sin\left(x\right)[/math] considered to be a function?
Select the [b]Default to Natural Domain of f [/b]checkbox. Then select [b]Show Inverse Relation. [/b]Is this [b]inverse relation [/b](whose equation is [math]x=sin\left(y\right)[/math]) also a function? Explain why or why not.
How could we restrict the domain of the original function [math]f\left(x\right)=sin\left(x\right)[/math] in order for its inverse relation to be a function as well? There are lots of possibilities. Can you find one? Feel free to experiment by inputting values into the Xmin and Xmax input boxes or by using the sliders.)

Information: Sine Function Domain Restriction Options?